That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing ifI don't see you anymore
i love the nickelback song man! in der's hse yet again with CALLI SAM DER AND BIANCA!
hahah. we're all tryna finish our geog project but you see, should have known that all the distractions would pile onto us.
anws, still got a hell lot of f and n to do la. gona get so friggin screwed today. and some BLARDY PERSON hacked into my anonymous friendster acc la. wonder how those hackers do that. so freaky man.
anyways, if the hacker thinks i'll get affected by the bloody testi,she/he's damn wrong man! (:
I STILL LOVE MY GEOG GROUP. and i seriously hope we'll get back on track soon.