Stayed at home the whole day today (: was a good rest for me though. Managed to clear some household chores since mummy is down with a terrible flu. Anws, I finally finished reading Nicholas Sparks' Message in a Bottle. It was so so soo sad! I cried my heart out after reading it last night man. Judging by the amount of tears that flowed, I reckoned that this is his best-written one so far. Although I also cried for his other novels, this is by far the worst. I know, I'm an emotional wreck.
Anw, I had a really really scary nightmare last night too. It was about me almost being shot by a ghost? Sounds pretty dumb but if you were me, it was a hell of a scare! This is my second dream this month of me close to gun-shot/the brink of death. If this goes on, I think I'm gonna develop a phobia for guns man :/
Moving on to more light-hearted issues, I'll be going to Sentosa on Saturday with 3 of my cousins! :D I heard there's gonna be some carnival or family day stuff going on there. And there's bungee-jumping! :DD YEYS can't wait! I think we'll be going to Underwater World and Dolphin World as well, so will bring my camera there. (: So yeap. Ah there's school tmr!! & only two hours of it?! Wasting time and energy. Ciaoz!