I tried this on for fun (:
Went Town with Cheryn and Amanda after school today.
We saw TERENCE CAO! :D with his parents at Taka. And Cheryn & I were practically hyperventilating after we took a picture with him. So many passers-by thought we were mad, seriously.
So this was how the conversation with him went:
Me: Excuse me! Can we take a picture with you?
Terence: Sure! Why not? -grins broadly-
-Cheryn & Mandy gushing behind me-
Me: Errr.. But who can we ask to help us take the picture?
Terence: Tell you what. Why not I help you all take a picture. -takes my phone from me-
All three of us: Very funny! Then what's the point man?
Terence: Haha okay I'll ask my dad to help us take. -smiles his heartwarming smile-
And his dad was super cute! :D
So we continued shopping and I didn't managed to find my dress in Forever21 ): Oh and I visited Ron and Yew Shuang at Fox! (: Thanks for the big tip, Ron! ;D