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Bring on the rain & bring on the thunder

Tuesday, May 31, 2005
sherite posted at 9:22 AM | 0 Noticed Me

todays the collection of report books.i think im gonna be sick!dont wanna go but have to accompany my dad.oh man.im freaking out!this is super bad pls!I LOVE ARMAGEDDON! :D

Monday, May 30, 2005
sherite posted at 10:51 AM | 0 Noticed Me

im not just some chic you place beside you
to take somebody's place.
when i turn around
can you recognise my face?

one more day to go.collection of report book.watched the beach yesterday until around one plus.didnt understand the story at all.sad case.talked to him* yesterday.hopefully can matchmake them* together.i seriously hope that today will pass super slowly.dont wana face mr tang!anyways,i was soo excited yesterday after what he* said.i couldnt stop smiling!he* loves her!cant wait for the best to come!

Saturday, May 28, 2005
sherite posted at 1:09 PM | 0 Noticed Me

the twenty fourth post.tired tired tired.went for founders day mass just now.had a really bad headache when i reached there.shouldnt have went.plus the fact that mr tang nearly confiscated our handphones.

aft mass,went to thomson plaza's kfc with:
jill toh mel tio mel kong lyds beanie connie sukkian bianca vanessa and venelyn.felt like puking man.too giddy already.anws monday have to collect report book.sian.gona get like a bigg scolding la.dont know why adults like to sing rock music soo much.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
sherite posted at 8:46 PM | 0 Noticed Me

im dead tired.the only words i can say.wyncy de lyds and i went to de's house after the netball carnival.was like wth la!we didnt even win a single thing and our handphones got confiscated la.it was sooo tiring plus the fact that we had very limited players!so not many substitutes.sucks pls!

went to de's house to play POOL!i finally know how to play it already.de's dog,lylac,is damn bad la.bit me the minute i patted its head.hope i dont get rabies or smth!but the bite mark is still there!evil doggie!we were suppose to go to her new house to swim but no ones at her new house.sad sad.i think our class's cheer was hot la and we didnt even get fourth?!must be teo jing ling judge one.biased shit.
sherite posted at 12:49 PM | 0 Noticed Me

hey stay with me
as im getting naked
stripped down to the bone
hey im afraid
this could get ugly
and i might leave here alone

boredom.it struck me again.i cant wait for tomorrow.wana watch madagascar with de yuan but it seems that there is no sneak previews for that show.how saddening.we're probably gona watch stars wars after the netball carnival with sam tay and the rest.hope its not gona be crowded man.

nel nel rocks!effing cute pls!in mrs osment's house now.her identity is being kept a secret.and shes proud to be married to haley joel osment which in my opinion,is pathetically ugly.owells,love is blind.went to parkway just now.whats with me?keep going there nowadays.plus i live so far from it.owells i wish mrs osment the best of luck with mr osment.have fun spending the nights together!:D

Monday, May 23, 2005
sherite posted at 8:29 PM | 0 Noticed Me

omgoodness.went to world of sports just now.i really really wana get a skateboard.those things are just so cool!but of course,i have to learn how ta skate first la.im prob gona take FIVE years or smth.it's not really what a girl should do but what the heck!

Sunday, May 22, 2005
sherite posted at 6:58 PM | 0 Noticed Me


i realise that the netball carnival is just two days away from now.im soo gona drag the team down pls!me,play WING DEFENCE?!last year was wing attack?!i think i prefer last yrs game.

Saturday, May 21, 2005
sherite posted at 12:35 PM | 0 Noticed Me

talking to mel on msn now.

cuteness pls!im going or her batisim thing tmr.maybe.i miss sitting with her.stupid beanie better treat her well man.

anws,im bored bored bored.with nothing better to do than to wait for my death on report book day.): im really dead la.almost the whole class is la.owells.i hvnt been using that word in a long long time.


Friday, May 20, 2005
sherite posted at 5:41 PM | 0 Noticed Me

ahh.just came back from thomson plaza with de, manisha, banu, karen and sandra.oh!and maria.went to lunch at pizza hut with them.manisha and maria told de and i what banu said about us.BACKSTABBER!she shall pay.i seriously didnt know that she was like that pls!no one told me abt her and i happen to have the same religion as her!

anws,was rather pissed off.was suppose to go to de's new house to swimmy!but was too rushing so i cabbed back home.shall not comment on my results today.TRAGIC.but i passed accounts!yayy!but almost EVERYONE passed accounts so no point in rejoicing la.
sherite posted at 11:58 AM | 0 Noticed Me

i wana sing but i cant cos of my sore throat!this is damn saddening.
sherite posted at 12:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

didnt go to school today-again!woke up late with a bad bad flu.cos i got caught in the rain yst?!sians.i heard that 88% of the whole level failed SS.typical.i failed too.got same marks as de yuan!next they're gonna get back is probably maths.heard that kunna hasnt finished marking our geog paper so she didnt give us back.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
sherite posted at 3:21 PM | 0 Noticed Me

my throat hurts.and now my head hurts too.wth pls!i was kinda pleasantly surprised with my chinese marks but my english one just SUCKS bigg time!but i know im not the only one.our whole classs too!soo united!(:

just hope i pass all the other subjects man.
sherite posted at 9:59 AM | 0 Noticed Me

didnt go to school todae.crap sick.down with a bad flu and fever and sore throat!sad case.wonder what they are doing in school today?!bored must be.

Monday, May 16, 2005
sherite posted at 1:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

lalala im bored pls!sooo little ppl online.sians.right now im addicted to the song BEVERLY HILLS by WEEZER! rocks pls!

Saturday, May 14, 2005
sherite posted at 1:26 PM | 0 Noticed Me

lalaalla.FINALLY exams are over!! went towning with lyds and de yuan yst.was quite boring la cos de was dem quiet..dunno why also.went to watch coach carter and met jamie jia zhi and noelle at cine.in the end,we found out that they were sitting one seat directly in front of us in the cinema!sooo coincidence!then aft cine,we were going to heeren when a guy stopped us and ask us for some donation thingy..obviuosly we knew it was fake!but de yuan HAD to give the money,so we felt really bad and thus had to give our money too.damn sad.

then at heeren,we saw nat and izza but nothing happened!(: and i didnt get to buy my RETRO BANGLE!!sad sad sad!i really want a nice one but dont have!sad cose man.and i wanna buy a punkrock ring pls!sooo ex!but i'll buy it someday.

Thursday, May 12, 2005
sherite posted at 6:36 AM | 0 Noticed Me


gonna have cheena tuition like at 10.30?im gonna sleep man.shes going to test me ting xie from lessons 1-15!im dead!

anws,i dedicated some crap yst on the radio and it was read out again.like four times already?

Monday, May 09, 2005
sherite posted at 10:04 AM | 0 Noticed Me

wahh.hot hot very hot!saw her* today.eh hems.-jumps ard- but no eye contact made.damn saddening.anws.had physics today and stace said that we dont need protracter and in the end?!WE NEEDED ONE!but mr tang helped me borrow from de!(: my oh so lonely friend!:D

shall study bio later.im really scared for chinese on thurs.what if i dont make it to my tutor's expectations?!freakin me out pls!:l

Saturday, May 07, 2005
sherite posted at 8:29 PM | 0 Noticed Me

you just want this to go away.

shall use purple cos i feel gay!(: just came back from parkway parade. soo sad man! dexter and his girlfriend broke up! poor guy!they dated for 5 years already pls!must be some blardy third party!hmm.

Friday, May 06, 2005
sherite posted at 6:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

DARYL LIM JUN HING YOU EEEDIOT! however your chinese name is spelled!you knew all along that mag has been carrying a torch for you and you just had to blow her torch away?i agree that shu xian is better looking but have you ever considered mag?you are damn mean! I HATE YOU! not.

Thursday, May 05, 2005
sherite posted at 3:05 PM | 0 Noticed Me

not suppose to be online now but since tmr's maths and im prob gona fail.BUT IM GONA TRY!mr tang's uberr sweet pls!he gave us each a card!sooo sweet!(:

Sunday, May 01, 2005
sherite posted at 8:39 PM | 0 Noticed Me

in mrs osment's house now.gona see baby matt online later!sooo excited pls!joyce,go find yur own skin for the deflower blog okayes.i realleh have no time at all.(: peace out!