MR ONG for being so patient with us, slow-learners. Hope you'll continue to be our conductor for many more years to come.
YI TIAN for being such a good president. Without you, VE would be a mess.
PING DING for making us laugh at your retarded actions. And also for being a good student conductor to us.
XIU HUI for helping us with the gown arrangements and being an anchor for sop 1.
SUEE for crapping with leandra and me before, during, and after practices! love ya tons.
SHI PEI for also crapping with me, leandra and suee. I will still remember the stripes I saw during camp hahah. Oh and for standing next to me during mixed positions.
KENKEN for being our grand-president and for helping out with this concert even through your hectic schedule ( I think ).
WINNIE for amusing me and always making me laugh at your lame but funny jokes.
EMILY for looking so sweet all the time and putting a smile on people's faces.
LIDAN for being my 'pretty eyes'! It's nice talking to you during practices.
SHAVIEN for encouraging me when I said I couldn't sing my part well in mixed positions. And for standing next to me then.
CAI YUN for looking so barbie dollish and for the time we challenged each others' parts during practice. That was fun.
KAREN for always being so optimistic and always offering your food whenever we catered for camp and for concert day.
PAULINE for being such a great anchor for Altos! Without you, we are nothing.
LIFEN for singing the correct notes and for constantly covering your ears when we sing the wrong notes. It keeps us on track.
JOYCE for teaching me to even read notes at all hahah. I will never forget your help on the first practice when I was so new to choir and didn't know how to read notes.
FAZILAH for your oh-so-contagious laughter! I always tend to laugh when you start laughing.
YVONNE for being our alto grand-senior and for the good-luck handshake just before we had to go on stage.
JESLYN for standing behind me for mixed positions. Only then could I get the right notes cos I could hear you sing.
LEANDRA for being my crap/gossip buddy! And for being so spontaneous about the Shuai Xun thing lol. And for tolerating the times when I would get super hyperactive and start blabbering nonsense.
BEN for being the anchor of Tenors and for being in the rumoured world with me lol.
NIC for laming us out with your actions and jokes, but nevertheless entertaining us constantly.
GERALD for being such a good soloist and for doing your best on the stage. Keep it up!
SHUAI XUN for being in the rumoured world with Leandra and for being our source of entertainment ( The gossips ).
MATTHIAS for making everyone laugh and get annoyed during the twister game when you didn't even need to lift your ass off the mat. GRRRR.
PAUL for being the anchor and the loudest voice in Bass. And for also trying your best to explain to me & Shi pei about what Mr Ong was saying. We still didn't understand you but you did your best hahah.
KAH HONG for being ever so retarded and random during practices.
YONG HONG for being a nice person to talk to and for making the monkey sounds during the concert. It was hilarious!
ERIC for the lion roars during the concert. You did a great job.