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Bring on the rain & bring on the thunder

Friday, November 30, 2007
sherite posted at 5:59 PM | 0 Noticed Me

watch the pro at work!(as if!)



the 'masterpiece'

Thursday, November 29, 2007
sherite posted at 6:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me


Wednesday, November 28, 2007
sherite posted at 4:38 PM | 0 Noticed Me


It's such a cooling day today (:

Had our Math test 1st thing in the morning :/ what a spoiler. Before I went to school, I saw Ben( the one in VE ) getting into a cab at the junction of our houses haha. It's so funny to see your schoolmate when you get out of your house. Anyway, I WAS supposed to be early today but ended up waiting for Cheryn -.- But it's alright I don't blame her- I think ;)

Then we had lecture and a 1 hr break after that. Cheryn and I went to eat our favourite prawn noodles at the North canteen! :D Uh actually I'm not really in a blogging mood right now( more of sleeping mood ), so I guess I'll end here. Ciaoz! (:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
sherite posted at 9:14 AM | 0 Noticed Me


Saturday, November 24, 2007
sherite posted at 9:37 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I just remembered the silly conversation we had on the way back from VE practice that day.

Pauline: Sheryl, so are you coming to supper with us?

Kah hong: Of course not! She has two guys in sexy underwear waiting for her at home already!

Sheryl: Nooo!! OMG Kah hong, I'm going to set you up with someone!

Kah hong: With who? Can set me up with Boa? -grins cheekily-

Sheryl: Boa????

Kah hong: OMG you don't know who Boa is?!?!

Sheryl: -whacks Kah hong's arm- I know! I just thought you were saying some hokkien word haha!
sherite posted at 12:05 PM | 0 Noticed Me

OMG! Last night, Amanda texted in to 987Fm for a chance to win the Simple Plan Strip Showcase and she won 5 tickets to see them next Tuesday! WOOHOO! I'm going, yeah!

Friday, November 23, 2007
sherite posted at 6:59 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Thanks for the vandalism, Shipei haha.

Just went to D----'s blog. Wow. It's amazing how many emotions can come up when you relive the past memories. Although they were nothing but painful ones, I'm surprised that I still care about him. I kinda pity him now cos he just broke up with his girlfriend of 1374294483 years. But I still won't forget the pain he inflicted :/

- I'm the girl who's kicking the Coke machine;

sherite posted at 12:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me


Yesterday was Ben's 22nd birthday haha. Was super fun or rather, TOO fun! We actually celebrated during our lecture! We ran out of the hall one by one and went downstairs to where all the benches are. Then when everyone gathered, we sang him a birthday song. After he cut his cake, Elwin and Ray rubbed WHIPPED-CREAM on his face!

It was funny cos as they were doing that, Hui Rong and I just ran around them and snapped pictures. Then after all the running around and chasing each other was over, Ben decided to attack us! YIKES! We ran abit and he gave up cos he was too tired to chase already haha. So, the girls got away scott-free and whippedcream-free (:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
sherite posted at 5:46 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Speak your mind to put others straight to sleep.

I'm really missing Taekwondo man :/ I feel like I'm giving it up just to attend VE practices but of course that's not the case. I haven't even gotten my tape for my blue-tip belt yet! ): Anyway, went for VE last night :D But I wasn't concentrating much, thus I ended up singing alota wrong notes :X It's really hard to catch up with others who have like.. 10 years of experience in choir whereas I have none. And it's especially hard to cope notes-wise cos I'm still learning how to read the scores. I know, I'm such a noob.

So many things have happened these two days and the worst part is I can't say it here and neither can I say it anywhere else ): So many problems, scandals, crushes that I find out or people tell me about but I have to keep them to myself. I'm starting to feel choked-up already. Well, I guess that was why I wasn't my cheery self during VE yst. I did laugh along with the others, but I felt so- I don't know how to describe it - inside. Even Jia Bao and Leandra noticed and asked me why I wasn't happy. Oh well, it's all just a passing phase and I hope everything will get settled down before the exams.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
sherite posted at 1:09 PM | 0 Noticed Me


It was so fun man! At first I thought I was gona be late cos I reached at like 12.10pm when the meeting time was 12. But when I got there, only Suee, Yong Hong & Matthias were there! Hahaha. We waited for about 45 minutes for almost everyone to come then we headed off to Ben's place.

Nice house! :D We spent some time exploring the house and finally settled down for lunch. So obviously, everyone kept teasing me the whole time :/ There were SOO much food man! And all in many varieties too! I was worried that my stomach flu was not fully recovered yet so I only ate ONE oil-less chicken wing, TWO jellies, and TWO slices of agar-agars. Btw the agar-agars were nice! Who made them?

Yup. And everyone else got to eat: Mee-siam, spaghetti, egg sandwiches, vegetarian noodles and all the other food which can get you drooling. -.- while I sat on the sofa and stonned. Then we watched SPONGEBOB on tv! And the WHOLE VE sang the theme song out loud! I think it was after the show that Mr Ong came. Moving on, we watched our concert un-edited video! OMG it was pure embarrassment to the max! Shall not elaborate on that.

THEN we started stonning as the Mahjong pros went to play. They shouldn't have left us out because HAHA! We started to prank call every one of them to distract them from their game (: fun fun! After which, we headed to Ben's room to play Taboo. I swear I'm such a sucker at guessing. Initially it was only this small group of us playing, then we decided to move out to the hall to play cos then everyone could join in! At around 6pm, we had to leave so everyone went to The Cathay while I went to my Aunt's place for dinner which was two blocks away from Ben's. And Pudding thought I was walking back to Ben's house -.-

Friday, November 16, 2007
sherite posted at 6:02 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Stomach still hurts like crap :/

Yesterday was a horrible day. Was my mom's birthday and a car accidentally scratched hers. Actually I'm not really sure who's fault it was but the other driver was being such a moron man. He was arrogantly saying that he will send his car back to Bornea Motors to have an assessment. Go ahead! -rolls eyes-

Poor mummy. She ended her birthday with such an unpleasant 'surprise'. Initially I was waiting in the car but I couldn't hear them negotiating outside, so I stomped out and bloody well SHOUTED at the man. He seemed quite stunned at first, but continued to argue on. I was so damn pissed cos my stomach was aching badly and I wanted to go home and rest, and there he was, getting in my way.

My mom then called my aunt and cousin to help her settle the matter. When they arrived, the four of us combined forces and argued with the man. Here's a little of the conversation:

Man: I don't care! I'm definitely going to claim insurance for my car.

Shert: By all means, try! It's two people against one.

Man: But it was her -points to my panicking mom- who scratched my car.

Shert: That's just too bad cos I SAW you bang into our car instead!

Aunt: Look, your car only has a few minor sratches but their car is dented in!

Man: I know, but she -points to my mom again- has admitted liability.

Shert: No she didn't. Stop trying to put words into her mouth! I HEARD AND SAW EVERTHING!!

Man: -Speechless-

Thursday, November 15, 2007
sherite posted at 1:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

when retards talk on msn

AMANDA says:

AMANDA says:
eating cannot think

AMANDA says:
must savour the food

SHERT says:

SHERT says:
what food?

AMANDA says:

SHERT says:

AMANDA says:
-a fly flies in-

SHERT says:
WTH! you're so funny pls! but only for today lol!
sherite posted at 12:58 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Am sick once again damn :/

Wanted so badly to go to school today cos its a long day and I don't wana miss so many lessons, plus there's VE practice! But when I woke up this morning, I knew that if I forced myself to go, I will probably faint halfway to the bus-stop. I really don't know what's wrong with my stomach and the medication which the doctor prescribed doesn't seem to be working at all. Stomach flu can really drain a person badly. I have to literally drag my feet around my house instead of walking. And the worst part is, whenever I try to stand up straight, I will feel a sharp pain in my stomach. So, I'm walking around my house like a zombie ( Slouching and dragging my feet ).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
sherite posted at 2:46 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I didn't go to school today.

My mom took leave to bring me to a doctor cos my dad's not in Singapore. Was told that I have stomach flu and was given two days mc but I'm definitely not going to skip VE tmr man. I wouldn't miss it for the world hahah. Speaking of VE, I can't wait for the house-warming at Ben's place this Saturday. He lives opposite my block hahah! It's so so convenient! It's like, VE members will take about 2 hours preparing for their journey to his place, whereas I only need 2 minutes to prepare! HA.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
sherite posted at 6:19 PM | 0 Noticed Me

School was so :/ today. Can't find the right word to describe it. It was just :/

I'm bored once again and I still have to complete my ICA 2 for Jerilee's Comm Skills lesson on Thursday! Save me! I have come to a conclusion that I really do have super short attention span. It's like when I try to pay attention in class, my mind will wander off in less than 15 minutes from the start of the lesson. WOW. And this has been happening since I was in Secondary school hahah. Which explains my poor results and the horrible course I'm taking now.

Nothing much to update really. So I guess I'll just go blog-hopping. Ciaoz!

get crunk.
sherite posted at 9:54 AM | 0 Noticed Me

All I want for Christmas is you.

I love that xmas song from Britney Spears! Anws, VE was so fun yst. FINALLY met up with everyone after all that missing about. Mr Ong first started practice with evaluation for the concert. Heard from Shipei that when it was my turn to speak, my face was super red. DUH. Cos Suee kept doing that finger action which made me laugh!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
sherite posted at 11:36 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Rajah & Tann Family Day at Sentosa - 10/12/07

Sentosa was such a blast today. The theme was Pirates and the events management crew came dressed as pirates. Managed to take pictures with Captain Hook, Captain Jack Sparrow and David Jones lol. Of course they were all impersonations but they were kinda cool in their outfits.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
sherite posted at 7:54 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I just came back from Sentosa not long ago and I'm too tired to blog. Shall do it tmr then (: IT WAS SUPER AWESOME!

Friday, November 09, 2007
sherite posted at 1:15 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I know the Les Voix concert is long-gone over. But looking at Shipei, Suee, and Shuai Xun's blog, I'm gonna follow what they did and thank everyone. Soon all of us will have different versions of thank-yous lol!


MR ONG for being so patient with us, slow-learners. Hope you'll continue to be our conductor for many more years to come.
YI TIAN for being such a good president. Without you, VE would be a mess.
PING DING for making us laugh at your retarded actions. And also for being a good student conductor to us.
XIU HUI for helping us with the gown arrangements and being an anchor for sop 1.
SUEE for crapping with leandra and me before, during, and after practices! love ya tons.
SHI PEI for also crapping with me, leandra and suee. I will still remember the stripes I saw during camp hahah. Oh and for standing next to me during mixed positions.
KENKEN for being our grand-president and for helping out with this concert even through your hectic schedule ( I think ).
WINNIE for amusing me and always making me laugh at your lame but funny jokes.
EMILY for looking so sweet all the time and putting a smile on people's faces.
LIDAN for being my 'pretty eyes'! It's nice talking to you during practices.
SHAVIEN for encouraging me when I said I couldn't sing my part well in mixed positions. And for standing next to me then.
CAI YUN for looking so barbie dollish and for the time we challenged each others' parts during practice. That was fun.
KAREN for always being so optimistic and always offering your food whenever we catered for camp and for concert day.
PAULINE for being such a great anchor for Altos! Without you, we are nothing.
LIFEN for singing the correct notes and for constantly covering your ears when we sing the wrong notes. It keeps us on track.
JOYCE for teaching me to even read notes at all hahah. I will never forget your help on the first practice when I was so new to choir and didn't know how to read notes.
FAZILAH for your oh-so-contagious laughter! I always tend to laugh when you start laughing.
YVONNE for being our alto grand-senior and for the good-luck handshake just before we had to go on stage.
JESLYN for standing behind me for mixed positions. Only then could I get the right notes cos I could hear you sing.
LEANDRA for being my crap/gossip buddy! And for being so spontaneous about the Shuai Xun thing lol. And for tolerating the times when I would get super hyperactive and start blabbering nonsense.
BEN for being the anchor of Tenors and for being in the rumoured world with me lol.
NIC for laming us out with your actions and jokes, but nevertheless entertaining us constantly.
GERALD for being such a good soloist and for doing your best on the stage. Keep it up!
SHUAI XUN for being in the rumoured world with Leandra and for being our source of entertainment ( The gossips ).
MATTHIAS for making everyone laugh and get annoyed during the twister game when you didn't even need to lift your ass off the mat. GRRRR.
PAUL for being the anchor and the loudest voice in Bass. And for also trying your best to explain to me & Shi pei about what Mr Ong was saying. We still didn't understand you but you did your best hahah.
KAH HONG for being ever so retarded and random during practices.
YONG HONG for being a nice person to talk to and for making the monkey sounds during the concert. It was hilarious!
ERIC for the lion roars during the concert. You did a great job.
sherite posted at 12:28 PM | 0 Noticed Me

This is the IJ notebook the school gave to us last year I think. I'm missing IJ soo much! Especially the unity the warmth and the undeniable sense of belonging! sighs.

Schools starts at 3 today and I was supposed to wake up at 12pm, but instead I woke up at 9am due to terrible stomach cramps and couldn't get back to sleep after that. I seriously don't feel like going to school today, simply because I barely even have the strength to stand up. This is the worst bout of cramps I've had all my life. Ahh I feel so weak! I think if by 2pm, I still cannot get up and walk, I will not go to school. It's so painful and unfair that women have to bear with the pain every month and men get to get away with it scott-free. Grrrr. This shall be my post for the day, unless of course I feel much better later on and decide to update more. I'm just too weak to type much today so adio amigos.

Thursday, November 08, 2007
sherite posted at 8:26 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I just found this trophy at home yst hahah. Almost forgot that I had it. I decided to upload it cos it's so ironic that I was good at Primary 5 Math, and now my Math is sucky :/ Oh wells, amusing myself once again heh.


Stayed at home the whole day today (: was a good rest for me though. Managed to clear some household chores since mummy is down with a terrible flu. Anws, I finally finished reading Nicholas Sparks' Message in a Bottle. It was so so soo sad! I cried my heart out after reading it last night man. Judging by the amount of tears that flowed, I reckoned that this is his best-written one so far. Although I also cried for his other novels, this is by far the worst. I know, I'm an emotional wreck.

Anw, I had a really really scary nightmare last night too. It was about me almost being shot by a ghost? Sounds pretty dumb but if you were me, it was a hell of a scare! This is my second dream this month of me close to gun-shot/the brink of death. If this goes on, I think I'm gonna develop a phobia for guns man :/

Moving on to more light-hearted issues, I'll be going to Sentosa on Saturday with 3 of my cousins! :D I heard there's gonna be some carnival or family day stuff going on there. And there's bungee-jumping! :DD YEYS can't wait! I think we'll be going to Underwater World and Dolphin World as well, so will bring my camera there. (: So yeap. Ah there's school tmr!! & only two hours of it?! Wasting time and energy. Ciaoz!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
sherite posted at 3:59 PM | 0 Noticed Me

The flower which Elyse got for me after my concert. Omg after Shipei, Winnie, Leandra and Suee saw it, they said: Ben has the same flower but different colour! Now you can let your flower mate with his! -.-

snooze snooze

School was boring today with the exception of the occasional laughters. We had Math tutorial first thing in the morning which pretty much almost put everyone to sleep. But Peter was making weird noises behind me, which caused the whole bunch of guys behind (Farid, Elwin, Daniel, Zhihao) to laugh. And when all of them laughed, the rest of the class are kept entertained. I'm starting to like our Math lecturer though. Although she's always cracking lame jokes and laughing by herself, she's kinda nice as a person (I think).
Cheryn and I didnt join the class for lunch at Koufu though (it was freezing!), so we headed for the south canteen :D omg, never in my life have I had such a cheap meal lah! It was $1.20 for the big bowl of prawn noodles, and 40 cents for the tea! $1.60 in total! Super cheap I swear. Tmr's Deepavali! (: Keep forgetting that there's no school tmr. Speaking of which, Elwin was being such a jerkass in the lecture hall just now. He was trying all ways and means to irritate the hell outta Cheryn and me! The things he did:

1) Reaching backwards to grab Cheryn's slippers, of which we took years to pry his fingers off it.

2) Offering us sweets when we declined like.. 10 times?!

3) Stretching his hands as far back as they would go, attempting to grab us.

4) Throwing the sweet wrapper at us after he pops the last candy into his mouth.

..and many more but you get the picture. He couldn't even leave us alone to read our Nicholas Sparks ((: Okays nothing much more to type actually so I'll upload some pictures. I miss VE!! I can't wait for practice to resume mext Monday! RWARR.